Get that corn outta my face!
Hello, family! Who is excited about surprise emails? Because I know this chick is! Woot woot! Today is half P-Day, so I get to EMAIL! Hallelujah! Can I get an amen? Give me an amen!
So. First things first.
LAURA! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Someone please see that she gets this message. I am so EXCTED for her! Gah! She is going to be awesome! And temple visitor's center? How cool is that! SO COOL!
Next. Mom. I LOVE the skirts and shirts and sweater you sent. They are PERFECT. Thank you SO SO much! Also, thank you for the Minky pillow and the food! I mean, for reals. I am the LUCKIEST daughter in the world. You people are AMAZING. And I love you so so so so so so so much. SO much. Also, thanks for the talks! I'm so excited to read through them again!
A little update. We're now leaving at 7:30 instead of 8:00 from the MTC. Not that that will mean much to you people, but I thought I'd keep you informed of my wherabouts. Just because. You know. Whatever.
Also. A little wrinkle in the calling planowania. Here's the deal. Apparently, most people don't call from SLC, they call from their stateside layover. Alas, we do not have one of those. So I will try my VERY VERY HARDEST to call from SLC, but if not, I'll have to call from Amsterdam. Which means I'll be calling at like 2 in the AM your time. Yeah. It's happening. If I don't talk to you guys from SLC (or not for very long or something - I don't know, we'll talk about it), I'm for sure calling from Amsterdam. Just be ready for a call late LATE at night if we don't talk Monday morning.
Dad. I keep forgetting to tell you. Starszy Olsen has the entire movie of Wind in the Willows memorized. How cool is that? I mean, for realsies? I know - this information is useless. But I think it's so funny! And so cool! And I knew that you would appreciate it for the awesomeness that it is. So that's all.
I'm going to try really hard to send another quick email tonight, so PLEASE respond to this email ASAP with any questions or concerns or "Hey, good luck little one!" sort of sentiments.
Love you guys so much!
Hey parents! I wanted to send you guys a bonus email.
Anyways. On Monday, I was feeling ULTRA stressed. You probably noticed in the freakish, anxiety ridden letter (I use this term loosely) I sent. And I'm still a bit stressed. I mean, I'm leaving the country. To preach the Gospel. In POLISH. And I have to pack, and get everything all squared away here, and - yeah. You get the idea. It's a lot to take in.
So amidst all this stressing, I decided I wanted a blessing. Because those are always good, right? So things were busy and I was still stressing, but Wednesday I asked Starszy Olsen for a blessing. So after dinner he and Starszy Waskiowicz gave me a blessing. It was AMAZING. He said exactly everything I needed to hear. It was just perfect. He talked about how God was proud of my for what I was doing, and he was proud of how hard I was working and what I had accomplished. Then he talked about how I was called to Poland for a reason. But what stood out to me the most was what he said next. He talked about how I wouldn't be afraid, and that everything would work out. He said, "You will not fear." Isn't that an amazing blessing? I will not fear. And everytime I start getting stressed or scared or anxious, I just think of that. I will not fear. And then, even though I'm still a little bit stressed or anxious, I'm not afraid anymore. It's incredible. It was such a good blessing. It made such a difference for me, and I know that it will continue to do so throughout my mission. I will not fear.
When I first thought about asking for a blessing, it made me kinda sad. Because, Dad, you're the one who gives me blessings. It's always you, you know? Because you're my Papa. And I love you so much, and I know that I can always depend on you. Whenever I need anything, all I have to do is ask, and you're there. You're ready to help me. It was kinda hard to ask for a blessing from someone who wasn't you. (Oh gosh. I'm crying. I'm crying already, and I'm just sitting in a computer lab. I'm going to be a MESS when I call. Ugh. I hope I can get just one word across or something, because there are going to be lots of tears) I am so lucky to have a dad who is a worthy Priesthood holder, and that I have such a close relationship with. I always thought that was normal - that the relationships I have with you and with Mom were just normal. Being here, I've seen that is not the case. Having parents who are both strong in the Gospel, who are still married, and who I share such close relationships with, is extremely rare and special. It's amazing, really. I am SO blessed. I am so lucky. And I'm also really lucky in the fact that my district here is so close. We really are a little Polski Rodzina - which is also pretty rare. I know that a lot of districts get really close here at the MTC, but we are a family. We are unusually close. I don't know what it is, but there's something really special about our district. I love all of them (which is truly a miracle, because sometimes I have a really hard time coming to know people and develop relationships - of this you are well aware).
I just wanted to write really quick and let you guys know that it's okay. Everything's okay, and I'm going to be okay. Because this is where the Lord wants me. And even though this isn't something that I've necessarily always wanted to do, if it's something He wants me to do, I can do it. I will not fear. As long as I know that God is supporting me, and that my family is supporting me, and the people I serve with are supporting me, everything will be okay. I'm still a little nervous, and I'm still a little apprehensive, but everything will turn out just the way it's meant to. I love you both so much. Thank you for laying such a strong foundation of faith for me. I know I'm no where near what I should or could be, but everything I am, I am thanks to you. Without you, I don't know where I'd be - but I certainly wouldn't be here. The things that you've taught me, and the examples you've set, have made me everything I am. Admittedly, that's not much. But if it's enough that the Lord can use me in Poland, then it's enough for me too.
I love you, and I think of you every day. I pray for you every night. Thank you for everything.
Love, Siostra Young
Rodzina jest na zawsze
**2nd Bonus Email
**2nd Bonus Email
Hello my family! I'm just sending off ONE more quick email to let you know I'm alive and well, and what do you know, I'M GOING TO POLAND TODAY. Gah! I'm just a bundle of nerves right now. I mean, really. I'm kind of a basket case. Because I'm leaving the country! I'm going to Poland! I'm sharing the Gospel in Polish (which, it turns out, is the most terrifying thing in the entire world. Especially when you DO NOT KNOW Polish)! It's just a freakish freakish day. I'm HOPING when I get there I'll just be like, "Yeah! Okay! Let's do this thing!" But at the moment I'm leaning towards, "Oh my gosh oh my gosh what is HAPPENING right now I don't even know good grief this is madness I'm freaking out I'm freaking out!" Such is life. Honestly, I'm not too worried about that fact that I'm freaking super worried, because that is to be expected. So I'm just going to ride this wave out and hope the freaking ends soon. If not, I mean, whatever. We'll make it work, right? It will end soon. Wkrotce. That's soon in Polish. Okay, so chyba (maybe in Polish) I know a little bit of Polish. Chyba enough to survive. We shall see.
Meanwhile. I will talk of other things. So I won't be so freakish. Yesterday was the Day of Goodbyes. Which was sad. It was a sad day. We've said our goodbyes to everyone in the zone. Except for Olsen and Owens, since we're seeing them at breakfast this morning right before we leave. In approximately an hour. Which is going to be the hardest goodbye, because they're our elders. In our district. And we've been with them for the past nine weeks, almost every hour of everyday. How do you say goodbye after that? Ugh. I just don't know. This is hard. Saying goodbye is always so hard! Why can't it be easier? I mean, it should be easier, shouldn't it? I just hate it. I want to be with everyone always. And it's going to be hard when we get to Poland and our district is split again, and we're sent to the four corners of the country. But at least we'll still be in the same country, and see each other every now and then. This is just the worst.
And I'm going to have to say goodbye to all you people again. But this time, I'll be leaving the country. Which is harder than being an hour away in Provo, believe it or not. And I won't be able to email chat with Dad (probably), because the time difference is kind of ginormous (sound it out - the spelling is sketch, I know). Oh boy howdy. This is a pretty crazy day.
Anyways. I better run. This computer is being super sketch and keeps going to the "not responding" thing. Love you all SO SO MUCH and I'll talk to you all in a few hours!
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