Hey family! Can you believe I've already been gone for about a month? How does the time feel to you people at home? For me, it's been really weird. Like, I feel like I just got here yesterday but I've been here forever already. And it feels like I'll never leave this place. The MTC is a freakish time warp. For reals though.
Since you didn't send me any questions to answer, I guess we'll get straight to business.
So the other elders in our zone who didn't leave today for the mission field are the Bulgars (Bulgarians, but that's way too much work to say). They're super fun. We ate dinner with them last night. Probably we'll all be friends. Yay for friends! Speaking of our zone - today half of them left. So weird. We're the old ones now! I don't feel like I've been here long enough to be an old one. It's just so weird! There were two international sisters who left - one from Wales and the other from France. Basically, I could just sit and listen to the of them talking for the rest of my life and be a happy camper. But alas - now they are gone! I freaking want a British accent. When I get home from Polska, I am living in Britain. End of story.
Sister Wendel and I are doing a musical number for Sacrament Meeting sometime in the near future. I'm singing "Savior, Redeemer of My Soul" and she's playing for me. I am SO excited! I've missed singing SO MUCH. Even just practicing it has been amazing. Man, I love piano and singing. Did you get that idea from this brief paragraph? Just in case you didn't, I could possibly say it again for you or something. No? Okay. Fine.
Blog Post
Unofficial Polski Family
Would you believe it's been nearly a month since I left? Crazy, right? Supes cray cray. But since I've been here so long (basically eternity, but whatever), I've really gotten to know my Polski Family. They are great. I just love them so much! It's strange, because they aren't my home family and friends, and they aren't really a replacement family, but they're something in between. I love them. So here they are! My Polski Family!
(put a picture of my cute Polski Family here!)
Starting with the Elders -
Starszy Olsen (short, dark hair) - Utah - He's the big brother of the family (in age and personality type). He's really good at watching out for others. He is adamant that the Sisters NEVER carry their dinner trays to the dish washing place, and he's always the first to volunteer to carry them for us. Cute, right? Starszy Olsen is super intense, so when he feels strongly about something, he gets really into his conversation about it. Like, super into it. He's also argumentative. So we have created the Olsen List. Basically, we've been making a list of all the things he gets grumpy and argumentative about (for example, Pinterest, LOST, Popcorn Popping ... it's quite a lenghty list, actually), and we're trying to casually but directly bring them up in the conversation. It's a party.
Starszy Owens (tall, glasses) - California - He's the funniset person on the planet. For serious though. He's hilarious. He's tall and gawky and has four different pairs of glasses. He loves Harry Potter (according to Pottermore he's Slytherin and has a cherry wood, dragon heartstring wand - we're wand twins, no big deal) and One Direction (BEST DAY EVER when I found that out - he likes Liam and Moments - we're just favorite 1D song twins too. It's like, whatever), so he's automatically the coolest elder in the district. And he also has YouTube videos! If you get bored, you should take a look! I've heard they're pretty fabulous. Search Cody Raptor Owens. I've seen the I Dreamed A Dream one live twice, and I was NOT disappointed.
Starszy Allen (average height, light brown hair, no glasses) - California - He's got the classic Little Brother personality. He's super funny and sometimes annoying in the way that a little brother should be (really, I mean this in the NICEST possible way). He reminds me of William, actually. Because he gets a lot of my quotes and he just says random, hilarious things. It's great. He's also a Polish genius, which isn't even fair. But apparently he just has a gift for language, because he also speaks German. He taught himself when he was, like, ten or something. It's ridiculous. He also quotes Julian Smith, and annoys me with Hannah Montana songs. Classic Little Brother, I'm telling you.
Starszy Blom (tallish, dark blonde hair - sorry, these descriptions aren't real great) - New York - He's a spiritual giant. Seriously. He's going to be an apostle someday. He doesn't talk a ton, but when he does it's either insanely spiritual and insightful, or really really funny. That's why we keep him around. He's spiritual and funny. He's just the most adorable kid. He was telling us about his love life (we've been taking turns, which is silly, but it is what it is) and he was like, "Girls just don't like me." So all the girls were like, "Um, Starszy Blom. Stop it. You are awesome. Seriously!" He is the sweetest boy! It's ridiculous. So I told him about the Morp Fiasco of 2010 - just to make him realize he is NOT even pathetic, because I am the picture of pathetic - and he was like, "I'll beat him up for you." And I was like, "Yeah! Okay!" So apparently if I ever need a guy beat up, all I need to do is give him a call. We're friends now.
Starszy Wolfley (really tall, blonde, glasses) - Idaho - He is the most adorable soul. We'll be having, like, a spiritual discussion, and then he'll just say something ridiculous, and we're all just like, "Oh Starszy Wolfely." You just have to love him for it. Also, he's my Jazz buddy, so that's fun stuff! I love it. We were talking about the Hornets/Pelicans yesterday and laughing at them, and Elder Olsen was like, "Wait - do you like basketball?" And I was like, "OH yeah!" And he was like, "Oh. That's cool!" And I was like, "You know what? It totally is." Because basketball is good stuff. Wolfely and I agree.
Starszy Waskiovic (tall, blonde, NO glasses) - Arizona - He's just bizarre. But we love him. But he's bizarre. That's just his way, and it's weird, but it is what it is. He has ADHD, so he's basically always bouncing off the walls and saying random things. He's funny though. We like him.
So. I ran out of time just now. But I will covers the ladies in next week's post. Yay for blogging and P-days!
This is my un[OFFICIAL] Polski Family!
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