My Dear Family,
Why, Young Family - you ought to be ashamed of yourselves! I've given you the best years of my life! I've been here through it all - through short and fat and tall, through thick and thin and rain and snow and ice! And now you DON'T RESPOND TO MY LETTERS - WHICH I WROTE EACH OF YOU INDIVIDUALLY AND PAINSTAKINGLY AND USED ABOUT A GAZILLION STAMPS ON (weird, it's like, the caps lock was stuck on that single sentence or something ... ). But really. That's lame. You people are lame. (Except for you Dad - you wrote me back even though you didn't even get your letter (which I PROMISE I wrote, very first in fact!) - so kudos to you!) Seriously. Mail is like oxygen here. Without it, I will surely shrivel and die. So stop being lame and write me, dag nabbit. I'm not writing you people if you don't write me first. Consider this your official call to repentence.
And now. To answer your questions, dear Father (PS - YES! Dearelder is amazing and I love it and please keep using it! I love your letters!)
Daily Routine - Get up, shower, eat breakfast, study study study classes classes classes, lunch, study classes study classes, dinner, study classes. You get the idea. Oh, and gym happens in there most days.
Class - Mostly language. Unless we ask questions about the culture.
Instructors - Yes, they all served their missions in Poland. And they all teach the same thing. Polish. And missionary stuff.
Food - ... Well, the other night they had Paul's Chocolate Cake. That was pretty good. And they have cookies. I like cookies. Basically, the food is okay. Not disgusting, not delicious. Just okay. Edible.
PE - We go to the little gym and get on the elipicals. So that's really nice.
Down time - Ha! What I wouldn't give for a little down time! We go ALL THE TIME. Except for Sundays are a LITTLE more relaxed, and of course P-days are pretty chill.
Sleep - I rock at sleeping. It's the best. I go to sleep fine, I get up fine - tell William he'll be glad to know I'm not a problem in the mornings. I know that was a concern of his, bless his heart. :)
Cold - It is gone! At last! It left RIGHT after I bought a new bottle of cold medicine. So that just sits on the desk now, gathering dust. I guess I'll bring it to Poland with me ...
Let's get down to business (to deafeat, the Huns. Huah!) I don't know who's already getting the emails, but if you could see that they're forwarded to Annlie and Lizzie. I just feel weird about writing them and not knowing for sure how much they know and telling them things they've already heard - you know. It makes sense.
Scripture wise, these are your weekly scriptures to look up. Yay! Alma 26. The ULTIMATE missionary chapter. It rocks. I was reading it, and my mind was literally blown. Also Psalms 37: 23-24 and D&C 50: 40-46. I'm not 100% sure what those ones were about, but I wrote them down to tell you to read, so they must be pretty fantastic!
Remember how you guys asked if my Patriarchal Blessing said anything about going on a mission in it? And I was like, "Psh, no! I would've remembered if it said something like THAT!" Well, scratch that. I was reading through it, and yeah, there were thirty billion hints about missionary work. How did I miss those? It's just silliness. But reading through it with my mission in mind was REALLY cool. Things stood out to me that I hadn't really noticed before, and it was amazing. Patriarchal Blessings are the best. Love 'em.
Mom (even though you DIDN'T write me) - Guess who did the devotional last Tuesday?? Paul V. Johnson of the first quourm of the seventy! He was the one who worked in the church office building with you, right? If not, don't tell me. Because I told people you worked with him, and he gave Emily and I either Atomic Fireballs or doughnuts, and it's going to be awkward if I have to be all, "Yeah, remember what I said last week? About that guy at devotional? Yeah ... I take it back. I accidently lied to you." Also - how's that package coming? I for reals need my scriptures and my skirt. And headphones, if you might possibly be able to send those too. So if you could maybe SEND THAT AS SOON AS IS HUMANLY POSSIBLE, I would just love it ever so much. And if you send me pacakges (Ha - just kidding. I'm talking about that one Christmas package we have previously discussed), put pictures of the Virigin Mary and Pope John Paul III on it. Apparently that will keep the package snatchers away because they're holy or something. I don't question it, I just do what they tell me - so do that!
James - So. Apparently "lub" means or. I just thought of you when I found that out, because of that episode of Arthur where they're making cake, and they're all, "What's a lb?" So that was fun. Anyways.
Emily - GUESS WHO I SAW? Isaac McKean! Crazy, right?? It was so weird! I thought he'd left AGES ago, so I saw him, and gave him a weird look like, "Do I know you? Are you Isaac McKaen? Because that's weird!" and he looked at me like, "Huh. You look vaguely familiar." And then I stared at his nametag for a little while to see if it was really him (which it was), and then I walked away like some kind of creep. It was a really strange encounter. But I thought I'd tell you I saw him and it was weird! Check that off the list.
So on Wednesday or something I got this big envelope, and guess who drew pictures and cards for me?? Beck and Cam and Emery! SO CUTE! I fetching love them! I will be writing them back this afternoon. Fun, right? I was so excited to get them though! I sort of bragged a little bit (sorry, still working on that "missionaries are always nice always and do not brag" thing) and showed them off and felt like a million bucks. It was great.
Make sure Bree (since she'll be here Wednesday) gets the information going on my blog.
BLOG -Unofficial Tour Guide
Hello little ducklings! I offer an early welcome to you from the MTC! Before we begin our tour, a word. Don't worry. Really. This place is fabulous. And now - on to the tour! Fun, yes?
It's crowded. Just know that coming in. It makes things a little easier. There are people EVERYWHERE. Accept it - love it. If I can survive here, you know anyone can!
There are three places you will spend the majority of your time. The first is your residency. Which is MTC-Speak for bedroom. I don't know it needs a fancy name, but there ya go. It's a small room packed with three bunkbeds, two desks, and two dressers. It's snug. EXTREMELY snug. But really fun. In my limited experience. The second place is the cafeteria. It's crowded and loud and big and smells an awful lot like food. For obvious reasons. And while we're on the subject - food. It's okay. Not digusting, not amazing, Okay. And edible, so that's a plus. However, Fridays and Wednesdays they have ice cream from the BYU creamery. And that is good stuff. Mmmmmmmmm boy. The last place is your classroom. That's where you'll spend, like, 88.5754% of your time. Now, depending on your mission, this place will either be nice or super ghetto. Good news Annlie - it would appear English speaking missions get all the lovin' here. Your classroom is, like, three times as big as ours, and has nice paint on the walls, and pictures, and even a white board! Our Polish classroom is more of a glorified closet. And it's got a chalkboard. Yeah. Ghetto to the max.
There are a few things you should bring with you to the MTC besides all the obvious stuff. Bring a lanyard. I've got one, and it is SO nice. You can stick your little card and key on it, and you are good to go. Bring a robe. They're very handy when walking from the bathroom and showers to your room ... Basically, that's all I can think of. Sorry, not uber helpful.
But my BIGGEST advice - don't worry. Honestly. I was quite nervous about the MTC experience, and honestly, it's nothing to worry about. It's nice. Everyone here is nice, and life is good. So don't fret!
I an an un[OFFICIAL] tour guide! Hazzah!
Alright, fam. Over and out.
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