Monday, August 5, 2013

Monday, July 29, 2013 7:41 AM Hello, Home!

Well well well. Here we are again. Another P-Day. Crazy how that works! Let's see. Where to begin.
Well. Sister Hemming and I were on our lonesomes for the first three days of the week. That was an adventure. But it went really well, and we're both still alive, and neither too scarred, so it's good! Success! Thanks for all the prayers on our behalf - I can assure you they were put to good use. 

Fun Story. We were contacting Monday night. And I must've been really tired or something. So I went to contact this guy, and I'm like, "Drogi Ojcie w ... Przpraszam. Jestem misjonarką ..." Yeah. I started praying to this man. SO EMBARRASSING. I'm not sure if he really knew what was going on there (and I really hope he didn't), but it was awkward to say the least. And then I handed him and ulotka and walked away, and Sister Hemming laughed at me, and we all had a charming evening. So during our call to the elders to tell them we're home and bezpieczna and wszystko, Sister Hemming tells Elder Walter, and he thought it was HILARIOUS. Couldn't get control of himself. And then he made her tell the story again so Starszy Peacock could here it. And then he was like, "Yeah, you should probably repent for that one tonight." And I was like, "Yeah, it'll be my first priority in my prayer before bed.." And he was like, "Are you praying to God this time?" Well played, Elder Walter. Well played.

We also taught this SUPER cool couple named Igor and Jadwiga. They're in our Area Book, and we've tried visiting and calling before, but it never worked out. So we just went over (figuiring we'd contact our way over there, get nothing as far as a lesson with them because getting an unplanned lesson at home with someone is PRETTY freaking unusual, and contact home), rang up the domophone, and got an answer from Jadwiga! And she was like, "I don't have a lot of time, but you can come up." Wait, WHAT?! Okay! So we got up, and she's like, "My husband will be home soon and then we can talk!" Cool! Like, SO COOL! So we taught them about the Plan of Salvation (in English, actaully. They're English was really good, and for some reason, using English felt right). It was SO cool. And they were both like, "Wow. That's a good plan." You know that's right! That's because this plan was authored by God! And He knows what's up! And it was cool, because we felt prompted to say things we wouldn't normally say. Like, I talked about how there are three kingdoms, and we're seperated like that because God is going to put us where we'll be the happiest and most comfortable. If you think about it, an ax murderer, who knows what he did was wrong, is NOT going to be happy living with God for eternity. And Igor was like, "Wow. That's the least oppressive plan I've ever heard of. God's going to put us where we'll be happiest." Bingo! (Scrabble! Enough of these games - to the RatMobile!) Anyways. It was an AWESOME lesson, and SUCH a Tender Mercy! God is looking out for us, you know?

It's been REALLY BLASTED hot here the past week. Everyone's talking about how it's in the mid 30's, and I'm just some girl from the States who only knows Farenheit - I've got no idea what that means! All I know is it's hot, and I'm literally always sweating. Gross, right? Let me just emphasize once more that Poland is NOT always covered in snow and freezing year round. Not the case. It is blasted hot. The other night I put my little thermometer built in to my clock on the window sill for a while. It was 96. But it was also already around 6, so the hottest part of the day was over. And that doesn't take into accound humidity. It's basically a dream come true, my friends.

We also had an AWESOME lesson with this girl named Pelagia and Brat Dziubla (one of our, like, four active Polish members in the branch). It was SO good. Man. The Spirit was SO there. I love the Spirit. And Brat Dziubla - he is such a champ! I decided I want to be his neighbor in heaven. And he can be my home teacher in my heaven ward. I'm pretty excited. Unfortunately, the next day Pelagia texted us, saying she didn't want to learn anymore. Ugh. Stab in my heart. We get that a lot, though. It's hard finding the line of being sad (because it's literally the worst), but not too sad (because that makes it hard to work). I'm just not sure where the happy medium is there. Maybe I'll never find it. Who knows.

Our 24th of July was super not 24th-y. What do you do when your in Poland? Not much. We ate ice cream with our dinner. That was good. And we taught an English class. English is the language the pioneers spake, right? (Right, but not really. It's alright. Just go with it.) That was good. Sister Allen got home that day from Wrocław. That was nice. Basically that was it.

Alright, kids. Quick Polish lesson. Everyone ready? I want everyone to say, "Kraków." Now say it the right way. NOT crackow. Ugh. That makes me want to wretch. Krakoof. Well, the sound at the end is a cross between an f and a v. Kraków. Good. When I get home, I do NOT want to hear crackow. Excellent! I'm sure you all did a beautiful job.
I feel like that's all I've got for ya, kiddos. I love you ALL and I'll talk to you next week! Sending all my love from Kraków!
Siostra Young
To Dad:
Couple things. 
First. I bought this AWESOME Hobbit notebook. It's SO cool. I'm just not sure what to write in it yet .... But I had to get it, because the Hobbit is the theme of my mission! I'm thinking I'll make it my Adventure Book, and put all the crazy stuff in there. Something like that.
Second. What's the name of the actress in Count of Monte Cristo? Dagmara something? Is she Polish?
Third. I Love you. Thanks for the emails. They're always so good, and I'm not sure if my replies properly convey how much I love them. And you. Thanks for everything! I love you , my Papa, and my Dadeeee!
On P-day -other than email and shopping and laundry, not a whole lot. A couple weeks ago we saw Wawel Castle. That was pretty cool. But really, we don't have that much time. We haven't done culte day yet, and we don't know what we're going to do. It's Elder Walter's last transfer, so we're tying to make him choose. Which is not easy. He's just like, "Yeah, whatever.' No, Elder Walter. Choose!
To Mom:
Hi MooMoo! Thanks for the prayers! I'm sure they were put to good use - we were incredibley blessed in Sister Allen's absence! I'm glad the postcards all got there safe and sound! Also, I got your letter on the 23rd of July and it was MUCH appreciated. It was exactly what I needed - thank you SO SO much! You're the best Mom EVER. I didn't even KNOW this painting thing was going down - good grief! I am so uninformed! What all did they paint upstairs? I'll keep you informed on the package - Sister Allen's going to Warsaw on the 8th, so I'm GUESSING I'll get it then. If not. Well. That's fine too. Awkward. Yep. Things are awkward basically 24/7 as a missionary. It's wonderful. LOVE you Mommy! Thanks for your emails, and sorry my responses aren't better! Love you!

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