Friday, August 16, 2013

Monday, August 12, 2013 5:55 AM GREETINGS!

'Ello, family! Still in Poland. Still alive. Good stuff!

This week we had QUITE a few interesting experiences with alcohol. That sounds a little sketch ... Anyways. first we were waiting to meet with Ciocia Babcia, and we were waiting at Teatr Bagatela, and there were these people giving out free piwo. To znaczę, beer. They were just like, yelling, "Piwo! Za darmo! Za darmo piwo!" And there was a PALPABLE lack of the Spirit there. I just felt sick inside. It was disgusting. And this little boy - maybe 13 years old - came up to us and asked us to go get him some beer. And we were like, "What? Are you kidding?" And he was like, telling us how his girlfriend has some beer and he wanted some, and we were like, "Yeah, no. But here, do you want this flower?" (We bought some flowers for Ciocia Babcia because she's the coolest and we love her), and he took one (we think he threw it away because we saw him later bez kwiat. To znaczę, without the flower.) Isn't that horrible? He was 13! He should NOT be drinking! NO ONE should be drinking! Honestly. It's the stupidest thing. The next night we saw one of our former investigators (and she was the COOLEST! She was cud. To znaczę, miracle.) on the tram, and she was COMPLETELY WASTED. We got off (she lives off our same tram stop), and we were like, "Should we go talk to her?" So we did, and she wasn't even remotely coherent. She had a friend with her who wasn't quite as plastered, but honestly. It was ridiculous. She was blabbering about how she'd been in Warsaw on holiday and I was there with her and she was looking for her cousin and on and on. It was the saddest thing. She was NOT herself. Why would anyone want to do that? I honestly don't get it. What's the appeal? You want to go drink something that makes you completely forget who you are, and then not remember anything that happened? I'm sorry. I do NOT get it. Ugh.

We had a lesson with this guy, and it was awkward. He was youngish. Early 20's, perhaps? And he comes in (we were sitting at the table in the chapel doing calls), and Sister Hemming goes over to greet him and he hugs her and she's like, "Ehh ..." and it was really awkward. And then he came over to me, and I'm like, "Okay. What am I going to do?" So then he like, goes to hug me, and I'm like, Well. Whatever.. But then I was like, WAIT! I can't HUG him! Ugh! I'm a missionary! So I pulled away, and he gave me the WIERDEST look. And I was like, in ENGLISH, "How about a handshake?" Oh my heck. Surely the most AWKWARD MOMENT EVER. I'm so awkard. It's ridiculous. So that was the not hug story.

Sorry - I'm a little bit out of time. And I didn't have a super exciting week. So that's going to have to do. Just know that I love you all, and that I think you're the coolest, and the Church is true!
Also, a HUGE THANKS again for the Birthday wishes, and especially for the birthday package! it was AWESOME! Man, I just LOVE you guys! So much!!!!!

Unfortunate occurance. A man just sat down next to me who is in great need of some deodorant. If I could share three messages with the people of Poland they would be these. 1. The Church is true. 2. Deodorant is awesome. 3. Brush your teeth.

I hope you all have an excellent week! Love you guys!

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