Monday, August 5, 2013

Monday, August 05, 2013 7:49 AM Hello, Fam!

Hey guys! Hope everything is well at home! I hope everyone got to hear the voice recordings I sent - those are going to have to be the bulk of the email this week (things have been PRETTY crazy trying to answer emails and all that jazz today). And I'm sorry I haven't done pictures in a while! I pinky promise to get some up next week! Like I said, it's been crazy. 

Well. I'm now 20. I'm basically an old woman. Gross. However, my birthday was super great! We had dinner with the Onkens, and they made me a birthday cake and sang to me - they are SO cute! I just love them! And I got tied to a mop (we didn't have a pole - Sorry Mom!), so the celebration was complete. We went to dinner on Saturday night at Długa 18 (our favorite pizza place ever - they are SO good!), and that was super fun! Basically, it was awesome. Which is am QUITE grateful for. Naturally. Who doesn't like having a good birthday, right? Also - I am pleased to hear that my birthday was celebrated at home. I assure you, I am not at all offended you tied James to the pole for me and Abby made me a cake. I'm quite flattered, actually. 

Also, Mom, thanks for the Tillamook bookmark! I've got it up on my wall, and I love it. It's presh. I love me some Tillamook. 

I got my haircut today. You can see pictures of it next week. It's just shorter. And I'm growing out my bangs. PRETTY exciting stuff ...

I'm sorry this isn't a more exciting email - it wasn't an overly exciting week, and I don't have oodles of time for emailing today.

In regards to the voice recordings - in case someone didn't get to actually hear them. Here is a brief (or rather, not so brief) rundown. I found this lady on an old sheet of potentials. She was old, but she sounded interesting. So we called her. And she was SUPER excited to meet with us. So we were like, "Yeah. Cool." But she also sounded a LITTLE bit odd, because she wanted to meet us at a tram stop (instead of at the church or her home or something), and she asked us to call her Ciocia Babcia (to znaczę, Aunt Grandma), and said we'd know her because she have flowers in her hand. Okay ... So we go. We're waiting, talking to people. I see this sketch looking girl with flowers in hand. Uh oh. Sister Hemming and I are talking to two guys from Nigeria. Strange Flower Girl walks up to Sister Allen and starts talking to her. She's like, right in her face. Old lady comes out of no where, talks to Sister Allen, grabs her hand, and starts pulling her away. At this point, I'm like, "WHOAkay, Sister Hemming, we gotta go." So I grab her and we follow after Sister Allen and the old lady. Turns out the Old Lady is Ciocia Babcia, she gave the flowers that were supposed to be in her hand to Crazy Flower Girl because she's homeless. And perhaps a crazy. So we are now talking to Ciocia Babcia, and she pulls out two grocery bags full of little tiny plums and she's like, "I brought these for you guys!" And we're like, "Oh, how nice! ... This is weird ..." And then she shows us how to eat them (pop the whole thing in your mouth, then spit out the pit and skin into your hand. Gross.) And then she's like, "Try them!" So we're like, "Okay! ... Still weird ..." So we do it, and then we're standing there, holding spit covered, gooey plum gunk in our hands. And she's like, "Here, I'll take that!" And she made us give it to her. And then she pulled a little pack of tissues out of her bag and made us take one and wipe off our hands. Literally made us. Sister Allen was like, "No, I'm okay! See? Clean!" And she was like, "No! Take one!" Alright then.. And then we walked over to this bench and talked to her, and it was great.. She was SUPER nice (and NOT a crazy like I originally thought she would be, so that's good!). And she's telling us about how the church saved her granddaughter's life and how it's so great and she loves it, and then this other old lady walks up to her, and she's like, "Are you the Pani who's friends with Jan Pawał Drugi?" And she's like, "Yes." So then they talked for a minute, and we're all like, "WHAT?!" And the other lady walks away, and Ciocia Babcia sits back down, and Sister Allen's like, "Wait, you're friends with JPII?" And she's like, "Yeah! We were tight!" I'm sorry, what now? Yes. True story, kids. Ciocia Babcia was TIGHT with JOHN PAUL the SECOND. The Pope. Yes. She was FRIENDS WITH THE POPE. Is this not crazy? It's SO crazy! And then she was like, "Well, girls, I gotta run." So we saw her off to the tram and were talking, and Sister Allen was like, "So were you ever baptized in our church?" Which is NOT a question we usually ask people. But she felt like she should ask.. And she was like, "Of course!" And we were like, "WHAT?!" And she was like, "Yeah. Fifteen or twenty years ago. We moved and then moved back, and I couldn't find the church." So yes. That is the story. We found a long lost member, and she's the most adorable, most precious individual I've ever met. She's so cute, and so grandmotherly - ugh! I just love her! And she was REALLY sharp. Not old and feeble and infirm of mind. She's smart. She was 100% there. "She was quite lucid when I spoke with her." Nazywaj ten film! To znaczę, name that movie! Anyways. Yeah. So she left on her tram and we were all just flabbergasted. And then a minute later she came back because she forgot to buy something. And then she bought her thing and we saw her off again. And then she came back AGAIN because she forgot to give us the flowers she'd bought for us! So she went and got these flowers from the little stand thing for us, and then we saw her off once more. We were waving at her and blowing kisses and she was blowing kisses back at us from the tram window, and this teenage boy behind her was like, "What is happening here." We're just saying goodbye to our AWESOME POSSUM NEW BEST FRIEND, Teenage Boy. Don't even worry about it. Ugh! She's just so awesome! We love her. She's the coolest.

Also. In answer to some questions. We have English every Wednesday night. Currently we have two regulars, so that's fun! We have a good time at English.

Sorry ... I think there were other questions ... And I don't remember. Moja wina.
LOVE YOU ALL OODLES AND OODLES! Thanks for the birthday wishes and prayers - they were all much appreciated!!!

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