Monday, June 30, 2014

Sent: Monday, June 30, 2014 4:51 AM I Freakin' Love Gluten.

Hello my lovelies! How are we all doing today?
Me? I'm doing alright. I'm having a slightly emotional day. Because duh. My brother is leaving for Mexico in two days. So, naturally, I'm a wreck. Mostly because I couldn't be there for his farewell. And because I won't be there when he leaves. And because he won't be there for a solid two years of my life. That's a LOT of life. Especially when we add on the year and half (give or take 7 weeks) that I've been absent from his life. You know. I am not a huge fan of this. I couldn't be prouder of my cute brother William. I really couldn't. But the absence is SO MUCH! Bleck.

I love gluten.
Sister Montesinos lets me eat gluten all the time, and I don't even have to feel guilty about it. I love it.
I'm going to miss all my Polish pastries. They are beautiful. What will I do without them?

Dumb question. I'll eat AMERICAN pastries! I'll be okay.
I'll still miss them, but I'll be okay.

My life.
So. There's this member here. I've mentioned her before. Her name is Jadwiga. You guys, she is my FAVORITE HUMAN ON THE WHOLE EARTH. I love her. And she loves the Gospel. It's a big circle of love. We went over last week, and she had her two granddaughters over. She explained who we are and what we do as missionaries, and then she asked us to introduce ourselves and then share our testimonies. It was SO ADORABLE. And then, we were getting ready to eat (because she LOVES feeding us), and she explained about what prayer is and why we pray, and then had me say the prayer over the food. It was so stinking cute. She is WONDERFUL. I wish everyone in the world knew Jadwiga. I want to take her to America with me. That's how much I love her. Lands. She's wonderful.
The weather here has been SO WEIRD. I'm wearing sweaters still. SWEATERS. It's the last day of June, and I'm wearing a sweater. Not gonna lie, it's rocking my world. I am SO happy. Everyone else is a little upset because they want sunshine and heat, but I'm like, "Psh, forget that! Bring on the rain!" Okay. Actually, the rain is SLIGHTLY annoying. Because contacting in the rain is not the most fruitful of contacting. But still. I am a fan. I'll take rain over searing heat and blinding sunshine any day of the year.
Last week Łeba was SUPER fun. It was cold. But it was really fun! We took a two hour drive with Stanley and the elders out to the city of  Łeba, and from their we took a ride - in the pouring rain, mind you - on a little golf cart dealio out to these HUGE-O-MONDO sanddunes that exist up be the seashore. It was so cool! It was also freezing and wet, but it was so cool! It's like, you're in this Polish forest, and then all the sudden your on the set of Hidalgo, because there's just sand, and it's everywhere! It was a good time.

That's about it.

Love you guys!

Siostra Young

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