Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tuesday, November 12, 2013 5:36 AM Week 1, Transfer 4. Let's do this thing.

Well. Here we are. Start of the transfer. Let's do this thing! (Nazywaj ten film!)

Sister Montesinos. Is SUPER awesome. She's from Salt Lake (uh ... Midvale? Or something? There are too many outlying territories that belong to SLC. I just can't keep track.) She's been out one transfer, so techicnally speaking, I'm finishing her training. What does that mean exactly? No one is quite sure. But we just go with it. She served her first transfer in Warsaw with my MTC siost Sister Lidtka, so that's fun! She was actually Sister Tobler's MTC comp (Fun Fact - Sister Tobler and Sister Pearson are comps - what the awesome?! I know, I know. That companionship just spells FUN.) She LOVES movies (YES), and books (YES), and the Gospel (YES) - so basically, everything is working out A-okay here w Łodzi. Look out! PS - She LOVES Northanger Abbey. Let's take a moment to appreciate the awesomeness of that statement. NO ONE loves Northanger Abbey! Except for me. And every other classy human being on the planet (which is a surprisingly - and quite frankly disconcertingly - small number). Ah. I am so happy. She is super awesome! Her Polish is good, she's got energy, we both think we're pretty funny - it's just a dream come true. But, you know, whatever.

Good news! I have been informed that Łódź is indeed getting a new senior couple! Hallelujah! I just want to get up and do some Gospel choir singing or something! Senior couples are the BEST. Oh my heck. I'm so excited. I didn't even know how rough I had it back in Kraków (which I suppose is a sort of blessing ... but given the choice, I'd probably just take the senior couple ...).

On Sunday night we were Less Active hunting (yes. Hunting. It's what we do - don't even worry about it). So we ended up in a sketchy looking neighborhood, outside a REALLY sketchy looking building. The freaky kind, that doesn't even have a domophone. It's just like a weird gaping hallway that leads out onto the street, and then you walk in, and on either side there are doors, and behind the doors are scary stairs that end up who knows where. It's kind of a Larry dwelling. (Larry: a homeless person who carries around grocery bags full of garbage and empty beer bottles; dirty, old, scary, smelly. See also, hobo.) So. Here we are. And we see this Larry looking lady. And I was like, "Ohhhh boy." So we go out onto the street, trying to decide what the next course of action will be, and Larry Lady walks out. I was thinking, "You know, I ought to say hi to her." And then I was like, "Yeah. That's a good idea. Say hello to the scary woman. And then she'll grab my bag and run. That's intelligent." And then I was like, "No, no. She's a daughter of God. He loves her. Just say hi. Come on. It's easy." So I was like, "Dzień dobry!" (but out loud this time - not in my head. That would have been weird. And she wouldn't have heard.) And she was like, "Dzień dobry. I think you're looking for me." (Of course, that was po polsku) And I was like, "What?! Krysyna?!" And she was like, "Yep!" And I was like, "Oh.. Well, cool!" So. She's our less active. And we're meeting with her tonight. She was VERY nice, and I kinda feel like scum for calling her a Larry Lady. You shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, friends. So maybe I'll have something more interesting to report about her next week.

We didn't meet with Beata last week (SO SAD!) because she was really busy and then she was in Kielce with family. But we're meeting with her this week, so things are looking up! She is so great. We've got daily contact established with her, and sometimes I feel weird about that, but she's TOTALLY chill and doesn't even mind when we text and call her (even though, if it were me, I think that MIGHT possibly freak me out a little bit. Just imagine it - you're meeting with these missionaries, who want you to get baptized, and then they start calling you and texting you. Everyday. I mean, that's what we're supposed to do, and that's comin' from PMG and mission president and everything, but still. It's a little weird.)

Well. I gotta run. Catch you all on the flip! (I was informed by Elder Finch that that means something about people dying ... I don't believe it. And I'm still going to say it. So. That's awkward. But whatever. It's fine.)

Siostra Young

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