Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Monday, October 28, 2013 6:17 AM 'Ello, Friends!

Hey, everyone! Another week in the books. Crazy how that happens. Time. She is just a flyin'! And sometimes crawling. But that's alright too.

Speaking of time flying. Are we all aware of what yesterday was? For those of you NOT keeping very good calendars, it was my 8 Month Anniversary! When the heck did THAT happen? Good grief! Next transfer will be my half-way point! Half? When did HALF of my mission happen? Man. This freaks me out. It's just freaky. 

And. Now. Speaking of next transfer. Transfer calls are NEXT Sunday! Crazy, right?! Where did my TRANSFER go?! (Oh. Yes. That's right. I spent it in Warsaw ...) Okay. Not even. I was only in Warsaw about a week and a half in total. But still. This transfer went by crazy fast! I can hardly believe it's almost over! I'm guessing next transfer I stick around in Łódź. Which I'm TOTALLY okay with. But, I guess we'll see! Transfers are a little hard to predict. So - stay tuned! Next week I can inform you all of my location for the next two months of my life! Which will include Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's. CRAZY!

So. I'm a missionary, right? And my name is Siostra Young. That's my name now. So it's weird, if I'm telling people a story, and it's from pre-mish, and I'm about to use my actual name, and then I'm like, "... Sister Young ..." Because guess what? Now, when I say my name, I feel like I'm swearing. I know. It's ridiculous. But I can't do it! I can't say my name! I feel dirty when I say it - like I'm breaking rules or the commandments or something. You can kiss the Celestial Kingdom good-bye! It's just weird. Being a missionary is such a strange experience. What's going to happen when I'm home someday, and EVERYONE calls me ... Anna. What the heck is THAT going to be like? And I'M going to be using first names too! Ugh. Freaky. I'm getting dizzy just thinking about it. Sorry, parents. I might have to be Siostra Young forever. We may need to look into a legal name change or something ... It's just going to be too weird.

I hope I'm not about to burst anyone's bubble when I say this, but sometimes, being a missionary is hard. I know. It's okay. And sometimes, you have rough days. Because somedays, people do NOT line the streets, waiting for their turn in the font. Weird, right? It's weird. But. Occasionally, it happens. But you know how you tell when you've had a REALLY rough day? When the ulotki people snub you. EVERYWHERE in Poland, on every street, by every mall - basically everywhere - there are people with flyers. They just hand them out. You know, advertisements for sales or guitar lessons or lawyers and whatnot. We call them ulotki people. And they'll do pretty much anything to get you to take their paper. They'll shove it into your hand. Or maybe a dozen of them (you know - so you can pass them on to your friends). And sometimes, you just don't want their stupid papers. You're going to throw them away in a few seconds anyways. What's the point? But also, sometimes you feel bad for them so you take the dumb paper and put it in your bag and throw it away later when they can't see you. Usually it's the latter (because I'm a bleeding heart and I care about humanity and I want even the ulotki people to feel like their job is successful). You know you've had a pretty crappy day, when you see those ulotki people, and you psyche yourself up to take their dumb paper, and then, as you walk past and look at them and prepare to say "Dziękuję," and smile politely, they don't even hold the stupid thing out to you. They snub you. Right there on the street. What the heck? Am I so repulsive to you? I have been NOTHING but kind to you people! I was even going to take your ulotka! How DARE you?! Somedays I have this experience. It's pretty great.

We have an investigator. Her name is Beata. She's getting BAPTIZED. (And when I say this, I actually mean it this time!) She's SO legit. The elders found her tracting (yes! TRACTING! Of all proselyting activities!) and then gave her to us, and now we teach her, and she's basically incredible. Her Baptismal Date is November 23, but we're going to have to move that because she hasn't been in church yet and she's going to be out of town the next three weeks with family and different things. But she's so awesome! When we were talking about baptism, she was like, "So, I'm a Catholic. I was baptized a Catholic. Does that count?" And I was thinking, "Oh boy. Here we go again!" I HATE this question. So I'm like, "Well, you remember how we talked about Priesthood authority? Well, we believe that only this Church has it. So you kinda need to be baptized in this church ..." (or something to that effect), and she was like, "So it doesn't count?" And I was like, "... No. ..." And she was like, "Oh. Well, alright! I was just wondering." I'm sorry, WHAT?! Usually, the conversation takes a very different (and ugly) turn at this point. Beata! I love you! She's so cool. And she REALLY likes the Book of Mormon. She says she wishes she had more time so she could read it more (she's quite busy. Going to med school and all that jazz). Isn't she INCREDIBLE!??! I'll keep you posted on her. She kinda rocks.

Last week we went to Warsaw. It was fine. Sister Wendel's blood levels are all looking a lot better. She's still not feeling 100%, but she's doing better! Yay for that! So, on the way home from Warsaw, as we sat on our train, we got to talking. About hair. We're girls. We do that. And then we decided to color our hair. Just like that. All very spur of the moment. Sister Wendel chickened out, but I didn't. I colored my hair that night. Well, technically Sister Wendel did it. And she did a FABULOUS job (seriously - if you need your hair colored, call her up! She's good!). So my hair is now nice and dark again. With maybe a tinch of red (tinch. It's a word). I quite like it. I've attached some before and after pictures for you all. Just, you know, because that's fun. I really do love that color. It's a lot like I had at home - we'll see if it sticks around or comes out like it usually does. It was funny - at institute I was talking to the elders, and Elder Finch was like, "I like your hair that color. You should make it permanent." And I was like, "Well. Alrighty then. Thank you." I was thoroughly amused, because I would LOVE for my hair to be permanently this color! It just so happens, my hair isn't a big fan of keeping dye in it very well. But it's fine. I'll keep dying it and life will go on.

Well. I think that's about all I got for this week. Next week will be more interesting, I'm sure. It's going to be a BIG week! Remember Mega Week back in Kraków? This is going to be the Łódź verson. And we've named it Forward Unto Dawn Week. Elder Caskey named it. Apparently it's from Halo. But I'm letting it go because I think it sounds cool. And it does, right? Right.

Well, as always, much love from Poland and your favorite sister mish! (Come on - we all know I'm the favorite!) LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH! Thanks for the prayers and support and love! Talk to you all next week!

Love, Siostra Young

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