Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Monday, July 01, 2013 6:14 AM Dearest Family

So. Here we are again.

I gave a talk in church on Sunday. It was SUPES sketch. Because guess what? Polish is HARD. And I think we ALL know how Anna Talks go down. Lots of mumbling, lots of talking too fast, lots of not looking up. It was like that, but worse. And Polish already sounds like mumbling. So that doesn't help anything. Basically, it was a dreamboat of a talk. I mean, I've no doubt that the talk itself was good. I can write a decent talk witht the best of them. It's in the delivery where we find the issue. Ew. I don't like speaking in church. Especially in Polish. But hey, we live and we learn. That's kind of my motto these days. We live and we learn. It's fine.

On the OTHER HAND, yesterday also ROCKED. The morning was sketch (cough cough. I gave a crappy talk. See paragraph above.), but the rest of it was good! Allow me to preface this with a little background info. This week has been ROUGH even with a new trainee (who I absolutely ADORE! Sister Hemming is awesome! Na prawda, she is a fajna misjonarka). Hard week. And I didn't feel like I had the Spirit. Like, Sister Hemming would be like, "I feel like we should go down that street." And I'd be like, "Wait, what? Oh. Um, yeah. Let's do it." And then we'd go, and we'd meet this lady who met with the missionaries 25 years ago, and, I mean, that is NOT a common occurance! That's crazy awesome! Anyways. I was not feeling uber Spirit-y. So we were planning Saturday night, and we were like, "Alright. We've got three hours after dinner. What're we doing?" And I looked on my desk, where sat a teaching record of a former, and I was like, "Hey. Let's visit this Monika chick. She only had one lesson and she wasn't interested, but yeah. Let's go." Of course, I didn't put it QUITE like that, but you know. Whatever. So we went out to visit this girl. So we get out to the building, get let in (that was a mini-miracle. Getting in buildings is NOT easy), knock the door, and this cute girl answers, tells us she's busy studying, but she'd love to meet another time. And then invited us in. And let us give her a lesson. And said she's SUPER interested to read the Book of Mormon. Whoa, what the!? Right, right?! Amazing! She wasn't the former, she was her friend, and she's super awesome! I'm pretty sure God knew I was feeling a little off, and that I was feeling a little disconnect, and he gave me - well, us. But me - that little miracle like a, "Hey - you're doin' alright, kiddo. Just keep going." sort of thing. Man. SO awesome. And then - YES, it gets BETTER! - on the tramwej home, I was like, "Dang. I should contact that girl. I'll just ask her how to say necklace in Polish. That'll work. No. I don't think - ughhh. I should do it. Come on. Get your act together. Okay. Let's do this thing." So I contacted her (yes - asked her how to say necklace in Polish. You know? It works. Tram contacts are SUPER awkward, so if you can work up to the Gospel, it usually works a little better. And if you ask how to say something in Polish and tell them you're learning Polish, they're like, "Oh? How long have you been here? Why are you learning Polish?" HELLO perfect segue - how do you spell that word? - into "I'm a missionary!"), and she was SUPER nice. So I talked to her for a minute, it was chill, then moved into the Gospel, it was still chill, so what do you know? I gave the girl a whole first. Just sittin' on a tramwej. ALL by myself. And then I got her number. And she said she's up to meet and learn more. If THAT"S not a cud, I don't know what is!

On a slightly less awesome note, the mosquitos are out, and they are fierce. I've got 20 bites. ON ONE LEG. Sometimes it's REALLY hard to sleep because the nasty little buggers itch so bad. Ugh. It's disgusting. I hate bugs.

So Sister Hemming and I were at a tram stop, waiting for the tram, and this old man came up to us and was talking to us, and we were talking to him and it was fine. And then he asked us a question, and I wasn't sure what he was asking. So he asked again. Still not sure. So we called Sister Allen over to translate for us, and she was like, "Oh. He's asking if your virgins." AWKWARD question. Why is that a question you would ask? I mean, NO. Weird. Just weird. So we were like, "Yeah. We're for sure virgins." And then - and now it gets weirder - he was, like, wagging his finger and shaking his head at me with this creepy old man grin. Just me. What the heck is that supposed to mean, old man? It was maybe the strangest encounter of my life. Lucky for us, the tram came right then so we had an easy out. Why are people so weird?

In other news, Kraków still rocks. The weather isn't too beastly hot. Yet. I'm sure it's coming. It was super wet last week. And now it's starting to be sunny and warmish. And we all know sunny and warmish turns into blistering heat and blinding sunshine in like, 4.254 minutes. So I'm just feeling the dread of summer to come. It's great.

Fourth of July is going to be freaky weird. In Poland. Wish America a happy birthday for me! And also Grandma Barnes. Wish her a happy birthday too.

Anyways. I think my comps are a little antsy to hit the bricks, and I don't want to make them wait any longer. MUCH LOVE! You guys are all the best! Ancd thanks for everyone who's sent me letters - I LOVE mail, and it really means a lot! Thanks a gagillion!

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